Sunday, October 08, 2006

Unpleasant Behavior: All in the Name of Love and Art, well...Just Art,, In the Name of Nothing (really)

I know many assholes. I know one asshole who years ago tried to publish a book about assholes he knew. He had a chapter on me. At the time, I would have never considered the moniker to follow my Christian name. I was so insignificant as a human-being that I was more likely to be associated with the phrase, "Who are you again?" But the years drag on and my once stable exterior slowly starts coming unglued, I'm prone to out-bursts associated with assholes. My unpleasant behavior is deeply rooted in muck that would take years of extensive therapy to be able to trace root causes. Eventually, you have to rack-it as a loss. Remember the song "Picasso Was an Asshole"? Well from what I understand, the song title holds true. But, when we as humans look back on the said artists' life, we marvel at its brilliance and quirky-ness. We never look at all of the lives that were devastated by the asshole in question. So when does playing by the rules slot you a place in history? It never really does. I'm not Picasso, I'm nobody, I understand this. I'm just waiting for someone who is somebody to come along and say I'm somebody, so my shitty behavior will be excused.


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