Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Asshole wipes penis on painting, steals glass vagina

Rock and Roll is a sham. It's shallowness eclipses any attempt at being profound. At best, it's purveyors, ala. The Rollings Stones, offer sonic-ally mood altering experiences.

On the other end of the rock idiom, the worst it could offer was G.G. Allen. Allen thought that rock was the ultimate in self expression and that others in the biz, never really understood its potential. He exemplified everything that some rockers tried to distance themselves from; pure unadulterated nihilism.

I bought into the sham for many years. Upon hearing The Sex Pistols in my early teens, I began a long love affair with the punk esthetic. It represented true freedom, and offered an alternative to every God forsaken hack song stylist that permeated the air waves around that time. The counter culture was were my heroes stationed themselves. Mind you , I never met any "punks" that actually represented my ideal; most were mean-spirited, egotistical, snobs. The club I thought of as all-inclusive was the most exclusive of all. My hair was never the right shade of purple and I cut my Mohawk with the sideburns clippers on the back of my father's norelco electric razor. I never went far enough for the gang. Never kicked enough ass. Never sneered the right way.

Back to the sham of Rock and Roll. It's cool now to dispel all the myths and sacred cows of Rock and Roll. And me, again on the band-wagon. The Sex Pistols were 2nd rate and if they truly made such a difference, why would we still be bombarded by awful pop music? The band (and others) tried to tear down conventions without offering any solutions. Also, Sid Vicious was just a pathetic excuse for a human being. Rock is not a religion. It will not save you from the harsh reality of life. AND, If you decide to take up Rock and Roll as your life's pursuit, don't use it as an excuse to destroy other's property. You just come off sounding stupid.

Corporations and lawyers inevitably get involved and it's no longer about "you as an artist". Kurt Cobain was the blue-eyed messiah that brought the counter culture to the masses. He seemed (to me) to be struggling with the idea that fame equaled selling-out. But he also craved attention, and the nice people at DGC and MTV helped to make it a reality. They were paving their gold-laden driveways as Kurt slept in his car. Eventually he cashed in the big checks but it wasn't enough to kill the pain. He was a tool and he knew it.

The Ramones always seem to be the band my generation recognizes as the true Rock and Rollers. I agree to some extent. They never pretended to be something they weren't. They never wrote symphonies or bombastic, self-important concept albums. They never amounted to much either. When you stay true to the Rock formula you don't get very far, because there's not much there to begin with.

Oh the asshole wipes penis bit? Over the weekend, a band named Banderas played at a friend's art show. During the band's set the lead singer allegedly wiped his member all over my friend's paintings. Nice way to treat your hosts. They later allegedly stole a glass vagina sculpture. The sculpture as yet to be returned. Their excuse, "It's just Rock and Roll."


Blogger deyman48073 said...

thanks for the kudos on Paranormal, Burbank.

your bro

11:36 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

You were indeed a blogging fool. What happened? Interesting insights here. I want to read more (and will) but am off to take my demon cat to the vet.

Anyway, on this subject. . .

I once had a fabulous conversation with one of my teachers in high school that relates to this. Ironically, his name was Rick too.

He had this thing about teaching his students how to juggle and I had kind of asked him why that had started. Turned-out that he had these thing for jesters, stating that they were probably one of the most non-conformist groups in history.

To which I said, "But isn't there a certain criteria by which we consider someone a jester? So, if someone were a jester, would they not be conforming to the idea of a jester?"

He was stumped.


You should write more of these.

5:48 AM  

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